Vegas Life...

I work for Youth With A Mission located in the crazy city of Las Vegas. YWAM is an organization that trains and sends off missionaries to all parts of the world in countelss different ways. I am apart of the Mission Adventures staff here. Mission Adventures is a program that is designed to moblize the youth and introduce them to how God wants to move through them.

I am now the director of MA.

YWAM Las Vegas' main building now is called the Pier which is located in the poorest neighborhoods in Las Vegas; it is also where me and five other YWAM staff live. We are in this community to provide for the physical needs for the residents who live here as well as the spiritual needs.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


So there is this homeless guy named Kenny that I met at a Mcdonalds last Thursday,9 days ago, counting that time I have now seen him four different times now. The first time he told me that he was stuck in town cause his girlfriend robbed him and I told him that I wanted to help him so I bought him some food and the YWAMers with me prayed for him. The second time was Tuesday when we were doing free prayer and free hot chocolate downtown with a team that was in town for a mission trip from Florida. I have him some hot chocolate and felt like I was supposed to tell him that he needed to check out the program at the rescue mission. It is an 11 month program; at the end of it, the Rescue Mission helps them get a job, appartment and helps them get on their feet. He said he would check it out. The third time I saw him at that same Mcdonalds. I was on my way to get my bible that I left at the hotel that my church is meeting at and he walked by and asked me for food, I thought it was not a cooincidence that I saw him again so I went in to get him food and my friends from XXX and from Current from Flordia who did the hot chocolate were there and they bought Kenny some food. Then today I was riding back from a bock party that a church in Henderson was having. I passed that same Mcdonalds and wondered if I would see Kenny. I got to the corner and there he was. He asked me for food again and felt like I really needed to lay down that he needed to get help and I was just encouraging him to stay on the streets if I keep buying him food. I encouraged him again to go to the program, I hope he does. He is still hooked on this girl though, evedently she came back into the picture and wants to see him. I tried to make him see that he doesn't need her that she is just holding him back, but we'll see what he decides. It is strange that I feel so connected and want to help Kenny like this, I usually don't let myself get so involved in homeless people's lives because I have tried to helped them in the past and am always dissapointed, but I think Kenny is different, I think I am in his life to help him.

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